Entry-Level Firefighter Candidate Study Guide (Online)

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Welcome to the Entry-Level Firefighter Candidate Study Guide, which is designed to help firefighter candidates effectively prepare for IPMA-HR’s entry-level firefighter tests, regardless of the test form being taken.

This study guide:

  • Answers frequently asked questions about the test forms to provide a clear understanding of what the tests assess, the differences among test forms, and how to get the most out of this study guide.
  • Describes the content areas assessed by the test forms, including reviewing the types of questions on the test forms and presenting sample questions for each content area.
  • Provides one, 100-question practice test and multiple answer sheets for retaking the practice test.

The purchase of the study guide (exam preparation materials) is not required to sit for any IPMA-HR exam and use of the study guide does not guarantee a passing score on an exam.   All IPMA-HR study guides, test materials and test related documents are the exclusive property of IPMA-HR.  Study Guides and test materials may not be adapted, translated, modified, reproduced, or quoted.  Any adaptation, translation, modification, reproduction or quotation of this study guide or test materials is a violation of copyright law.